This is a RESTful API that allows you to create and manage talks.
To get started, you'll need to create a partner account by signing up for smalltalk and creating a partner account.
Once you've created an account, you can find your API token in the settings for your organization.
Make a talk for your org via the api. name
is required.
POST /api/p/talk
Name | Description |
name (required) | The name of your talk |
room_type | What will the talk room be used for? Options: default | questions | hosted_events Default: default |
access | Access level for the talk. Options: anyone | invite_only Default: anyone |
theme_id | optional ID of a theme to apply. Manage themes in the theme editor. |
mic_behavior | Non-host mic setting Options: start_off | start_on Default: start_on |
start_time | Optional start time (ISO format date-time) |
end_time | Optional end time (ISO format date-time) |
description | Optional description text to show on the page before participants join a room |
subscriptions_allowed | Optional boolean for whether or not users are allowed to subscribe to a talk |
# NB: to attach an optional theme_id, find the id in the theme editor curl -X "POST" "" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer your_api_token_here' \ -d $'{ "name": "My Talk", "room_type": "hosted_events", "access": "anyone", "mic_behavior": "start_off", "start_time": "", "theme_id": "690c6c3c-db13-4b97-aad9-51aab24a23d8" }'
Sample response:
{ "talk": { "id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", "created_at": "2021-12-16T06:06:25.244015+00:00", "updated_at": "2021-12-16T06:06:25.244015+00:00", "name": "My Talk", "thumbnail_url": null, "created_by_id": "5b274af8-42ec-4870-acdd-02n02gslx0g", "partner_id": "<partner_id>", "price": null, "currency": null, "start_time": "2021-12-16T06:06:07.628+00:00", "short_url": "", "schedule": null, "access": "anyone", "mic_behavior": "start_off" }, "error": null }
Get talks or 1 talk by ID. talk_id
is optional.
GET /api/v1/partners/talks
Name | Description |
talk_id | The ID of a talk |
curl -G “” -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR TOKEN HERE>’ -d ‘talk_id=<TALK ID>’ (optional)
Sample response:
{ "talks”: [{ "id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", "created_at": "2021-12-16T06:06:25.244015+00:00", "updated_at": "2021-12-16T06:06:25.244015+00:00", "name": "My Talk", "thumbnail_url": null, "created_by_id": "5b274af8-42ec-4870-acdd-02n02gslx0g", "partner_id": "dbdc83b7-fd4a-45d8-ac3c-4ff55732b5c8", "price": null, "currency": null, "start_time": "2021-12-16T06:06:07.628+00:00", "schedule": null, "access": "anyone", "mic_behavior": "start_off" }], "error": null }
Optionally, use the API to create unique join links by talk ID.
and display_img
are optional and uid
are unique across your users.POST /api/p/talk/join
Name | Description |
talk_id (required) | The ID of the smalltalk to join |
uid | Optional string ID from your system for this particular user. If you leave this blank, you will get a generic un-authenticated link to the talk (this is useful to give to the talk host, who will be logged in already as an org admin). |
display_name | Optional name to display for the user joining via this link. Ignored if uid is blank. |
display_img | Optional url to a photo to display for the user joining via this link. Ignored if uid is blank. |
role | Optional role to have this user added to your org. Can be either admin | member | none . |
curl -X "POST" "" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>' \ -d $'{ "talk_id": "<talk_id>", "uid": "1234", "display_name": "Fran Ismali (@fran-ismali)", "display_img": "" }'
Sample response:
{ "url":"" }
is optional.
GET /api/v1/partners/recordings
Name | Description |
talk_id | The id of a talk |
curl -G "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR TOKEN HERE]’ -d ‘talk_id=[YOUR TALK ID]’ (optional param)
Sample response:
{ “recordings”: [{ "id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", "created_at": "2021-12-16T06:06:25.244015+00:00", “start”_time: "2021-12-16T06:06:25.244015+00:00", “file_name: “12345678.mp4”, “share_permission: “private”, "created_by_id": "5b274af8-42ec-4870-acdd-02n02gslx0g", “user”_id: "<user_id>”, “transcription”: {(…transcription data}}, }], "error": null }
Make a group for your org via the api. name
is required.
POST /api/v1/partners/groups
Name | Description |
name (required) | The name of the group |
description | description of the group. |
rank | the order in which the group should appear in the organization's list of groups |
visible | whether or not the group should be visible to users |
curl -X “POST” "” -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR TOKEN HERE]’' -d $'{ "id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", "name": "Smalltalk Community", "description”: “join us!”, "rank": 4, "visible”: true }
Sample response:
{ [{ "id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", "name": "Smalltalk Community", "description": “join us!”, "rank": 4, "visible": true, "currency": null, "price": null, "partner_id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j" }], “error”: null }
GET /api/v1/partners/groups
curl -G "” -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR TOKEN HERE]'
Sample response:
{ groups: [{ "id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", "name": "Smalltalk Community", "description": “join us!”, "rank": 4, "visible": true, "currency": null, "price": null, "partner_id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j" }], “error”: null }
PUT /api/v1/partners/group_talks
Name | Description |
group_id (required) | The id of the group |
talk_ids (required) | array of talk ids to be in the group. |
curl -X “PUT” "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR TOKEN HERE]' -d "group_id=df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j" (required) -d “talk_ids=[df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j, df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j]” (required)
Sample response:
{ “talk_groups”: [ { “talk_id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", “partner_id: "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", }, { “talk_id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", “partner_id: "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", } ], "error": null }
GET /api/v1/partners/group_talks
Name | Description |
group_id (required) | The id of the group |
curl -G "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR TOKEN HERE]' -d "group_id=df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j" (required)
Sample response:
{ "group": { "id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", "name": "Smalltalk Lunch 'n Learns", "description": "Weekly lunch and learns taking place", "rank": 2.00000000000001, "visible": true, "currency": null, "price": null, "partner_id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j" }, "talks": [ { "id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", "created_at": "2023-05-24T19:38:36.870Z", "updated_at": "2023-05-24T19:38:36.870Z", "name": “Listen to iqram!)”, "description": "", "thumbnail_url": null, "created_by_id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j3", "partner_id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", "price": null, "currency": null, "start_time": "2023-07-27T16:25:00.000Z", "schedule": null, "access": "anyone", "mic_behavior": "start_on", "end_time": null, "schedule_talk_id": null, "theme_id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", "subscriptions_allowed": true }], "error": null }
DELETE /api/v1/partners/group_talks
Name | Description |
group_id (required) | The id of the group |
talk_ids | array of talk ids to be removed from the group. |
curl -X “DELETE” "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR TOKEN HERE]' -d "group_id=df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j" (required) -d “talk_ids=[df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j, df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j]” (required)
Sample response:
{ “talk_groups”: [ { “talk_id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", “partner_id: "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", }, { “talk_id": "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", “partner_id: "df6829ae-35bf-42ls-851e-sdfoijg82224j", } ], "error": null }
Triggers when a user joins a talk.
Sample talk_join
{ "event_name": "talk_join", "body": { "user_id": 'b1c9902d-bf9c-4a5c-811d-f23efbb431b3', "username": 'eartothenoise', "photo_url": '', "name": 'Matt Hamilton', "uid": null } }
Triggers when a recording has been saved.
Sample recording_saved
{ "event_name":"recording_saved", "body": { "talk_id":"8384bedb-e656-4d2e-8a6b-58673e794506", "url":"" } }
Triggers when a recording has been saved.
Sample transcription_ready
{ "event_name":"transcription_ready", "body": { "talk_id":"8384bedb-e656-4d2e-8a6b-58673e794506", "url":"" } }
Triggers when a caption gets added to the real time transcript.
Sample next_caption
{ event_name: "next_caption", body: { message: "hello", fullname: "Waganawa Chomusuke", avatar_url: "", username: "chomusuke", timestamp: "2023-08-08T16:41:11.463Z", talkId: "42ea83e0-c16d-4c0e-b296-5c1b4cb8911d" } }